

unknown form in my own person
autonomous continuity
extremely subtle inkling in my mind
it's normal but... / normativity coursing through my veins
long time living within, distance decreasing, inkling strengthening
circumstances beyond my control, reluctantly going along
passing moment brought into fruition
few have the intuition to grind down the normative continuity
locally breaking out but still going along
only the context changes but the feeling remains
how can a door be unlocked when only one key groove fits
even my journalingreflects the distance from which I feel myself
scattered fragmented thoughts
who revises a journal
editing and peer review fit an emotional diary
as much as my key grooves fit my door lock
some grooves fit one day and break off the next
pieces of my replace the grooves
I would give a finger to unlock that door
maybe I'm on the way to that exchange
unmanaged anger
lashing out at a moment's notice
past struggles cloud my judgement
sharp action begins the exchange / crooked finger mirrors the equality of an autonomous continuity
fortitude equal to the source
the foundation where the exchange occurred
between my self and my mind /
mental social isolation surrounds me like a lanturn in the dark